Uniting Dance Organizations and Individuals: The Virginia Dance Coalition

The Virginia Dance Coalition (VADC) is a network of dance organizations and individuals dedicated to supporting and promoting the art of dance. The mission of the VADC is to create an environment that encourages artistic excellence and a wide variety of contemporar

Uniting Dance Organizations and Individuals: The Virginia Dance Coalition

The Virginia Dance Coalition (VADC) is a network of dance organizations and individuals that are devoted to supporting and promoting the art of dance. The mission of the VADC is to create an atmosphere that encourages artistic excellence and a wide range of contemporary dance styles. The VADC is open to all dance organizations and individuals who are interested in supporting and promoting the dance arts. The VADC works to build a world where our lives are no longer dominated or determined by capitalism or any other extractive system. The goal is to create a world where everyone has what they need, where people have the capacity for collective action and self-determination.

To this end, the VADC works with the Virginia Commission for the Arts, which is supported by the Virginia General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. The VADC is a collaboration of dance organizations, dance educators, professional dancers, and choreographers. Together, they produce enthusiastic and fun programs with an emphasis on artistic excellence and wide contemporary variety. The VADC strives to create an environment that encourages artistic excellence and a wide variety of contemporary dance styles. The VADC is committed to creating a world in which everyone has what they need, in which people have the capacity for collective action and self-determination. Through their work, they hope to make a positive impact on their communities and help create a better future for all.

Neil Jochems
Neil Jochems

Hardcore travel maven. Hardcore tv enthusiast. Lifelong tv junkie. General coffee aficionado. Evil web specialist.

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